Sunday, November 21, 2004

Squeeze & Neil's Wedding

Making her entrance

Job's a good 'un!

Bob admiring the wedding car...

Douglas's wee one

Strictly come dancing!

Rosie made all the roses by hand

Monday, October 25, 2004

Weekend in Spain

Helen on a traffic island in Elche!

Huerto del Curo (the Priest's Garden)

Helen and Richard in the garden

Paddling in the sea at Guardamar

On the beach

Heading back

The biggest show-off sandcastle ever

Final score: Helen and David 13 - Richard and Marjory 0!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Patricia's Birthday Weekend

The lord of the manor

The future Mr O'Donnell

I can see inside your camera!

Rupert tried to steal the cat

In the games room

Rupert put something in Mark's drink

The birthday girl

In the pub, again...

Happy Birthday to you!

Fruit loop!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Nic & Deb's wedding

Signing the register

Nicola and Debbie

Cutting the cake - and WHAT an amazing cake!!!

Daniel enjoying the disco...

All of us at Bolton Abbey

Trish and Martin

Nicola and Martin

Harvey in the pub (again)

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

You're havin' a laugh, incha? (R, M & H at Stowe Gardens)

Come back here!


She's pinching his bum!

The old railway

They ARE ripe! (Well... nearly)

Helen picked ONE strawberry!

On our way home

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Our new patio furniture - a Christmas present from Richard & Marjory - just in time for the summer

Bank Holiday Monday - All of us on Primrose Hill

Saturday, May 22, 2004

81 Dream Hills, Torrevieja

On the road

Torrevieja, May Fiesta - Shhh!

Izzy and Lucas (born 5th March)

The first time he smiled (on camera!)

Helen and Lucas (eight weeks old)

Hard at work

Helen's birthday flowers from Paul (2)